Erika Leighman Miss Lakes Region 2007 crowned Alicia Rossman as the new Miss Lakes Region 2008 on September 6, 2008!
Hello Everyone! I just got back from studying abroad in Italy and what a way to start my senior year and my time back in America! I am so proud to represent the Lakes Region and to have Wayne and Debbie by my side to help me prepare to be the next Miss New Hampshire.
Thank you to my friends who have supported my quest to become Miss New Hampshire! My friends from the left: Lauren, Whitney, Mel, Jill, and Garrett. They are my suite mates at school. I also want to thank my best friend Thais who couldn't make it because she had to work (she is one of the hardest workers I know). She was there in my heart and I am happy to have such wonderful friends.
Thank you to my Mom and Dad for always supporting me as well! I could not have come as far as I have with out you.
This is my 4th local title and I can't wait to compete for Miss New Hampshire April 30th-May 2nd 2009.
School: University of New Hampshire, Durham
Major: Nutritional Sciences
Platform: Share Our Strength: It Takes More Than Food to Fight Hunger
Talent: Vocal
Age: 22
Occupation: Whole Grains Council Intern, UNH Transit Driver