Sunday, April 19, 2009

Thank you for all your help!

Sarah Leonard: Thank you for helping me prepare for my first year at Miss New Hampshire I only had a month or two to get everything in line because it was one of the last local programs. I was a bit stressed to say the least but I managed to get everything in and I had a fun time at Miss New Hampshire. I was so happy for Emily when she won. She is one of my Miss NH role models! Miss University was a special day because I was crowned by Audra and I was the first Miss University!!! It was the best title to have and people to this day still remember me as Miss University.

Diane Morgera and Kristen Anderson: my second year at Miss New Hampshire I felt even more prepared. Thank you for your dedication to the program and for all your support in helping me prepare. I had so much fun with you! This title meant a lot to me because I had been volunteering at the Stratham Fair since I was in middle school. My best friend Justina Ceurvals and I would walk to the fair every day it was open. As Miss Stratham Fair I was able to go to many events in my home town area. I loved the helicopter ride with the aerial view of the seacoast. Being Miss SF was one of my most special titles and I was able to really have fun with it!

Elaine Tidd: Thank you so much for all of your support last year with my preparations for Miss New Hampshire. I enjoyed going with you to get my hair cut, dress shopping, mock interview sessions as well as, coming over after my voice lessons just to chat. Thank you to Trisha too! Being in the top 10 was an exciting experience. I couldn't have done it with out you!

Wayne Sevin and Debbie too: I am having so much fun this year as Miss Lakes Region! This could be the year :) Thank both for your support ,advice, and expertise. They have great events and appearances planned for Miss Lakes Region to attend and I have had some fabulous opportunities. I was able to ride a snow mobile for the first time, be the musher of a team of dogs at the World Championship Sled Dog Derby; I was the Ambassador for the week end! At the event, I was able to network with many people including Governor Lynch and his wife, Dr. Susan Lynch.

Best Parents Ever

My parents have been a part of my support system over the past four years; I don't know what I would do with out them! They are listening ears when I need them, eyes for editing papers, and always there to give me advice. My mom has helped me bake for every bake sale I have had- she's the best baker in New Hampshire! My dad helps me with current events and loves to talk about politics. They are number 1 in my book!