Friday, January 1, 2010

Local women fight against hunger |

Local women fight against hunger |


January 01, 2010 2:00 AM
EXETER — Two local girls have teamed up to fight hunger with Share Our Strength (SOS) and the New Hampshire Food Bank.

Alicia Rossman of Brentwood, a 22-year-old University of New Hampshire graduate with a nutritional sciences degree, and Kelsey MacDonald, a sophomore at Exeter High School, have been working together to make a difference in their New Hampshire community by hosting Great American Bake Sales around the Seacoast and donating the money to SOS and the NH Food Bank.

They have hosted bake sales at the Exeter Concert Series on Swasey Parkway, at Timberland, and at the Stratham Fair — just to name a few.

In the past four years, the girls have raised close to $6,000 for both organizations.

The girls recently helped the NH Food Bank meet a goal of matching $100,000 to earn $100,000 from the Trustees of the Madelaine G. Von Weber Trust in just 10 days. Rossman and MacDonald delivered a check for $300.

The girls thank the team of over 20 bakers who helped them throughout the process as well as local businesses and bakeries and stress that the NH Food Bank is always in need. To learn more, visit