Today was interesting to say the least! I drove to 107 High Road in Epping to find a beautiful 29 acre lot! Wende is the farmer of Catnip Acres and she has so many different plants. My Pa-pa Frank Lauriente used to own a family nursery not too long ago and my parents are very much into being out doors and have a huge garden at their house. Not long ago I had my own little landscaping/lawn mowing/pet sitting business too. I like being outside!
Anyway I got to her farm and had no idea what I was getting myself into. It is hard to set up a little stand at a market! Wende had the jeep packed and ready to go. It took me about 40 minutes to set up by the time I got to Exeter Swasy goodness!
She had so many different herbs, vegetables, and plants! She even had pineapple mint-pretty neat. I had a lot of fun talking to people about the plants and her organic farm.
Thank god my mom was there towards the end, she helped me put everything back in the jeep-what a task. I swear you have to be good at math and spacing to pack that thing back up! At the end of the day I was a little tired but it was such a neat experience I said I would do it again. Wende gave me a yellow pear tomato plant to take home and some sort of bean plant that attracts humming birds and butter flys. I can't wait for them to grow!
I'll post some pictures soon!